Wednesday, November 23, 2011

If you Could Hie to Kolob

 This weekend we made a trip to Kolob Canyon.  It was a little cold but very beautiful.  Looking at the  red rocks never gets old.  These were the only two photos we took(unless you count the one of moms thumb, she had trouble figuring out the phone camera)
This weekend was lots of fun the highlights were.
*The wedding
*No kids
*Shopping(coats 75% off 3 wool coats for under $50)
*Kolob Canyon
*Temple tour and tour of Brigham Youngs winter home
*Quilt shops
*Seeing all the Martendales
*Natalie are you alright?
*Eating out I am pretty sure Danny ate his way through Saint George. Hungry Howies, Jack in the box twice and Bajio.

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