Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I have been pondering the ward theme. I think for Home and Family I will follow the council of Spencer W. Kimball and put a picture of the temple in every bedroom.

 President Monson quoted President Kimball in April 2011 confrence.  Monson said " To you parents of young children, may I share with you some sage advice from President Spencer W. Kimball. Said he: “It would be a fine thing if … parents would have in every bedroom in their house a picture of the temple so [their children] from the time [they are] infant[s] could look at the picture every day [until] it becomes a part of [their lives]. When [they reach] the age that [they need] to make [the] very important decision [concerning going to the temple], it will have already been made.”6
Our children sing in Primary:
I love to see the temple.
I’ll go inside someday.
I’ll cov’nant with my Father;
I’ll promise to obey.7
I plead with you to teach your children of the temple’s importance.
 This is the one for Mine and Davids bedroom.  I will give it to him for Christmas I printed it 12x12 and put it in a 24x24 black frame with a black and white stripped mat.  It looks so good.
 Courtney already has this temple.
This one is for Marissa.  Perfect for any "Princess" 

I still need one for the boys room and Nicole's Dorm.  Any suggestions would be great.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Highland 21 ward theme

Our them for a ward this year is Stand in Holy Places.   The Bishop gave us 3 different areas to work in.  The first making our home a holy place second Temple and Family History and third Book of Mormon Study.  As a family we are to pick a goal for each area and work on them for the year.

The Bishop introduced the theme to the ward in sacrament meeting last week. We talked about it at dinner as a family.  I asked the kids if anyone knew what the ward theme was and what the Bishop wanted us to do for it.  Marissa said " Yes he wants us to pick three rooms in our house and make them more Holy."  Well she was listening but not close enough.

You may ask how did I get a digital copy of the ward theme?  Easy or not so easy, they asked me to put it together.  It was a humbling task the man who normally does it for a living..  I am self taught.  I think I was able to pull off their vision.

Friday, November 25, 2011

The Savior’s Christmas Gifts

I love this talk from Spencer W. Kimball I hope it inspires me to remember the gifts of Christ this time of year.     Jill
Christmastime is a glorious time of happy friendliness and unselfish sacrifice; a time of increased hospitality, devotion, and love; a time of the subduing of selfish impulses; a time of renewing friendships, cementing loosening ties, and the swelling of the heart.  It transcends the individual, the family, the community, the nation; it approaches the universal, crosses borders, and touches many nations of the earth.  Our caroling voices sing the sweet songs of Christmas reminiscent somewhat of the host of heavenly angelic voices in the long ago, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.”
We set up the evergreen tree with its gleaming, brightly colored lights; we hang wreaths and bells; and we light candles – all to remind us of that wondrous gift, the coming of our Lord into the world of mortality.
We send Christmas cards to numerous friends and relatives, pulling back into happy memories the loved ones who have moved out of our immediate association.  Like the wise men who opened their treasury and presented to Jesus gifts of gold and frankincense and myrrh, we present to our loved ones things to eat and wear and enjoy.  Though we make an effort to follow the pattern of gift giving, sometimes our program becomes an exchange – gift given for gift expected.
Never did the Savior give in expectation.  I know of no case in His life in which there was an exchange. He was always the giver, seldom the recipient.  Never did He give shoes, hose, or a vehicle; never did He give perfume, a shirt, or a fur wrap. His gifts were of such a nature that the recipient could hardly exchange or return the value.
His gifts were rare ones: eyes to the blind, ears to the deaf, and legs to the lame; cleanliness to the unclean, wholeness to the infirm, and breath to the lifeless.  His gifts were opportunity to the downtrodden, freedom to the oppressed, light in the darkness, forgiveness to the repentant, hope to the despairing.  His friends gave Him shelter, food, and love. He gave them of Himself, His love, His service, His life.  The wise men brought Him gold and frankincense.  He gave them and all their fellow mortals resurrection, salvation, and eternal life.
We should strive to give as He gave.  To give of oneself is a holy gift.

Spencer W. Kimball

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

If you Could Hie to Kolob

 This weekend we made a trip to Kolob Canyon.  It was a little cold but very beautiful.  Looking at the  red rocks never gets old.  These were the only two photos we took(unless you count the one of moms thumb, she had trouble figuring out the phone camera)
This weekend was lots of fun the highlights were.
*The wedding
*No kids
*Shopping(coats 75% off 3 wool coats for under $50)
*Kolob Canyon
*Temple tour and tour of Brigham Youngs winter home
*Quilt shops
*Seeing all the Martendales
*Natalie are you alright?
*Eating out I am pretty sure Danny ate his way through Saint George. Hungry Howies, Jack in the box twice and Bajio.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Jacob and Kaylee

 This weekend we traveled to Saint George to attend the wedding of Jacob and Kaylee.  We had a great time.  I didn't take my husband or kids.  I did take my mom so I was the kid for the weekend.  It was a fun and relaxing trip.
   Daniel and Natalie got a condo for the weekend and invited Mom and I to join them.  We all left Friday about eleven we made it to Saint George in time to do a little shopping and have dinner.  Friday night we watched a movie.
    Saturday we went to the Wedding at the temple.  The luncheon and the reception.  Kaylee and Jacob were so cute the perfect Bride and groom.

For their Wedding gift I made this for the couple and put it in a great frame.  I hope they like it.