Saturday, March 1, 2008

The toy eater

Isabel my sister-in-law told me her kids cleaned up their toys ever night because they were afraid of the toy monster eating their toys. I told Marissa the story and she said "your just telling me that to get me to clean up" so I googled the poem by shel silverstien and found and animation of him reading it. marissa started cleaning up so fast. She even made sure there were no extra toys downstairs. I think I might have to play this every night as a bed time story.

Here is the link to the animation and the words to the poem.
You don't have to pick up your toys, okay?
You can leave 'em right there on the floor,
So tonight when the terrible Toy-Eatin' Tookle
Comes tiptoein' in through the crack in the door,
He'll crunch all your soldiers, he'll munch on your trucks,
He'll chew your poor puppets to shreds,
He'll swallow your Big Wheel and slurp up your paints
And bite off your dear dollies' heads.
Then he'll wipe off his lips with the sails of your ship,
And making a burpity noise,
He'll slither away—
but hey, that's okay,
You don't have to pick up your toys.

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