Thursday, October 21, 2010

Marrissa football part two.

I told Marissa to put some shorts on and get ready for football. She said "Why can't I wear a skirt?" I said what ever thinking she would put on her skort almost the same as a pair of shorts. No she comes down in a TUTU. When Nicole asked her why she wanted to wear what she had on she said "So the boys will notice me." Well the boys did notice her. I am pretty sure every one saw her twirling around on the field. This is what she looked like.

This is one of my favorite shots. I will tell you what is going on because you might not see it all. Marissa has the ball. The boys with the orange Flags are trying to figure out how or if they should pull Marissa's flag. The orange boy on the ground has Marissa's shoe in his hand. In all the excitement she lost it. I am surprised the photo is not blurry I pretty much laughed the whole game.

This was Marissa hiking the ball. The coach later said this was the best hike all season. He is very good at humoring Marissa.

We only have two more games until the season is over. I am not sure how we will top this game.

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