Tuesday, September 2, 2008

life is a rollercoaster

I thought that life would get easier when the kids went back to school we would get in the grove and my life would be easier. Boy was I wrong. I have 4 kids in 3 different schools and all 4 start at different times.

WE have also had a few fun events. Lagoon with The Thompson's, a ward party, Shumways 50th wedding anniversary. School starting and Marissa's broken leg.

4 years ago Courtney broke her arm on the trampoline. This summer we figured it was finially time to put it back up. Yesterday Courtney and 3 friends were jumping Marissa got on and broke her leg. Courtney's friends didn't think it was broken. When we got back from the Dr. and they were all here they felt a little guilty.

She is doing good. It hurts and she can't move or bend it. She is on pain meds that make her silly and short tempered. Derek is doing a great job of taking care of her. She can't go back to school until she is off the pain meds and can use her crutches. She is waiting For grandpa to bring her MC donnals for lunch so it is not all bad.

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