Today would have been My Brother Davids 39th Birthday. I started to think about him and miss him today. It is hard to believe he has been gone almost ten years. The last ten years of his life he was sick. His birthday was a fun event every year. We went to California every year for his birthday. My family would invite the whole ward and neighborhood over for his Birthday. It would be standing room only in my parents home. It was fun to see everyone from my childhood. I would look forward to his birthday visits every year. The last fun party we had for David was the day of his funeral. After the funeral was over Our Martendale Cousins and my siblings all went bowling. I knew that I wanted to go Bowling again and celebrate his Birthday.

The one memorable event of the evening was Grandpa's first throw of the night. unfortunately he didn't let go of the ball. He ended up face down on the floor. He ended up bleeding on his nose just under his glasses. He is going to be alright but his pride is bruised.
I think that today was a perfect way to remember David. We look forward to doing it again next year.
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