Marissa is an interesting child. You either love her or hate her. The problem is when Marissa loves you too much. Just ask the new boy on the block. Marissa calls him Shane "Kiss me" Jackson. Her Book of Mormon has I love
Shane written on the outside.
Last night she told Nicole that she kissed him.
Nicole said "where did you kiss him?"
Marissa said "at the church party"
Nicole "No where"
Marissa " at the party
Nicole "what part of his body?"
Marissa "Oh, on his neck while he was running away"
Poor Shane he doesn't have a chance. He only moved in last month and he is painfully shy. He now has the most out going girl chasing him.

Last week as I was getting ready for pack meeting i walked past the toy room and found Leo our 5lb dog on the top bunk. I quickly yelled get that dog down from there. My mistake was not telling her how to get him down. She figured he would love to jump onto the pillows like the rest of the kids. She picked him and tossed him onto the pillows on the floor.
Needless to say Leo broke his leg. He is doing well and only slightly limps after almost two weeks.
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