Thursday, November 5, 2009
Everybody loves Leo...........
Leo is the newest member of our Family. He has been a great addition. With the rest of My Family (parents, brother and sister) having Bostons Leo is a little out numbered. Not only is he a diffrent type of dog but he is the only boy. He doesn't seem to mind I am not even sure if he knows he is a dog.
Dallen likes to sleep with Leo. Leo doesn't seem to mind. He even seems a little upset when I take him out of his room and put him to bed.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Halloween fun...........
American Fork Canyon
October was also a month of Beautiful Saturdays. The Second and Third Saturday in October we spent having a picnic in the Canyon. The first trip we took the Big Girls did not go with us. We found a simple hike that the "lettles" could easily walk. There was a guide and map that allowed the Children to follow Numbers on the trail and read about each spot.
Derek was very good at spotting the numbers. The only Number he had trouble with it 6 and 9. The kids would run from one number to the next.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
H1N1 is is the house.......
October has been a long medical month for us. It started conference Sat. with a trip to the instacare. We have had 2 instacare visits 2 er visits 6 trips to the hospital, 5 Doctor visits and Marissa was scheduled for some tests tomorrow but I changed it because Derek has H1N1.
It all started Saturday during conference Marissa was screaming when she went to the bathroom so I took her to the instacare(visit 1). She had a UTI they gave us a prescription and sent us on our way.
Conference Sunday we were getting ready for the Shumway dinner at our house. The kids were playing Hide and seek between sessions of conference and Derek fell. He was hiding in the tub and slipped and hit his face on the toilet cutting his lip. I took him to the instacare(visit 2) but they sent me to the ER(visit 1) because they thought the wound was more than they could handle. The Doctors at the ER were great. They gave me three different options on how to stitch Dereks lip. With kids that young they like to knock them out because they fuss to much. Derek was rather calm and he had 6 different people clean and look at his lip by the time they got around to stitching it. We opted to not knock him out. He did great. Even the Dr sang his praises. We got home just a few minutes before our guests arrived for dinner. We went back to the Er(visit 2) a week later and got the stitches out.
Marissa still was not feeling better a week later so I took her to our DR(visit1). He pulled up our visit to the instacare and they had sent her urine out for a culture. Marissa had a UTI that could only be treated with IV antibiotics. 6 Trips to the Hospital later she was feeling beter.
The next week I was feeling sick and had a pain in my side and back. I went to the Dr.(visit 2) I had a kidney infection. Later that week I was still not feeling well and it was time for Marissa to have a follow up appointment (visits 3-4) I got a Shot and Marissa got scheduled for some kidney tests to see if her infection is because of a kidney issue. Her appointment scheaduled for Oct. 28 at primary Childrens hospital.
Yesterday Derek was sick and we took him to the Dr. (visit5) He tested positive for influenza and his culture is being sent out to see if it is H1N1. The Dr said they have all come back as H1N1 so he most likely has it. He is doing good we just need to make sure he doesn't get dehydrated. He has a high fever in the afternoon and evenings. Mornings are the best for him.
We changed Marissa's Tests to November 6 because I can't leave Derek with anyone. I hope that is the end of our medical problems. They are looking at Marissa's kidneys to see if there are any defects. they are also looking to see if she has reflex into her kidneys. They reflex can be dangerous if not diagnosed but if we know it is easy to watch. So wish us Luck.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Chilies anyone? Anyone? Please........
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Marissa gotta love her.........
Last night she told Nicole that she kissed him.
Nicole said "where did you kiss him?"
Marissa said "at the church party"
Nicole "No where"
Marissa " at the party Friday"
Nicole "what part of his body?"
Marissa "Oh, on his neck while he was running away"
Poor Shane he doesn't have a chance. He only moved in last month and he is painfully shy. He now has the most out going girl chasing him.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Have you met my baby?
This is the new addition to our family. The kids are starting to call him Mom's baby. His name is Leo. We looked for weeks online looking for a dog. We were not looking to buy a Yorkie, but when a friend said they knew of a great dog we got excited. We fell in love with him and have not had one regret.
Last week My sister had a baby and when I told Derek Aunt Lolly has a new baby he said "Like Leo?" Nope Lolly has a real Baby. He is almost as cute as Leo.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Another visit to the insta care.

Monday night Dallen was petting a cat and a dog started to attack the cat. Dallen got bitten by the cat. For you information cats have sharp teeth and their mouths are full of bacteria. 80% of all cat bites get infected. You need to clean the wound well then be put on antibiotics.
At 8 pm the cat bite Dallen. By 8:30 David had done an Internet search to find that 3 out of 4 websites said you need to get on Antibiotics within 8 hours. I started to take Dallen to the Highland insta care but of course it closed at 8. I remembered that Alpine pediatrics had after hours so David called to tell them we were coming. I made the mistake of Driving by the temple and going over the speed limit. The police officer was not influenced by my crying son and took his time writing the ticket.
The good news was that Alpine peds was not busy and got us right in. The Dr. was very nice and took good care of Dallen. She even got us to the one pharmacy that was open past 9pm.
We started today with Dallens Birthday party. The party started at 9:30 am we went to a kids movie at the cinamark. It is nice to have it over by noon and still have the whole day ahead of us.
Dallen still has cub camp on Thursday. They are shooting bb guns and bow and arrows, so there is still a chance that we could end up in the insta care again.
Monday, June 8, 2009
What a Saturday

It all started out simple enough. Mom and I went to our quilt block of the month class at Just Sew. Then we went home and got ready to leave for Woods Cross and Emily's Baptism. We left in plenty of time and avoided The freeway mess by taking 215. We spent our time getting lost trying to find the stake center and walked in just as the meeting was starting. It was a nice Baptism. The talks we so fast I didn't even have time to get board.
After the Baptism Danny took us to Moochies. This restaurant is a Dive on 8th south 2nd east. They have amazing sandwiches. Philli cheese steak and meatball are there specialty. I walked in and it was a small house converted to a restaurant is was so small that you had to go out the door and eat in the house next door. It reminded me of San Francisco and made me a bit homesick.
Nicole went Home with Danny and Natalie to play games and I took the little kids home and a sandwich for David. I made plans to pick up Nicole from Danny later. Just as I was walking out the door at 7:45 to get Nicole. Dallen comes in crying. He ran over his middle finger on his rip stick. I put Dallen in the car and headed to the highland instacare. It closed at 5pm. I called Danny to find out where the Riverton one was and just my luck it was just a few blocks from him. I figured that with the drive I could figure out if Dallen was really hurt. If he stop ed crying I could pick up Nicole and we could head home. He didn't stop crying during the 30 minute car ride. He didn't stop crying the hour wait. He even shook like he was in shock. 2 and a half hours after the accident and 3 xrays later we found it wasn't broken and he ended up with a splint. I am glad I took him because of his anxiety I think he needed to hear that from the Doctor before he could calm down. He was a little concerned about having a splint on his finger because it is his middle finger and he doesn't want to flip anyone off.
We got Nicole from Danny's and headed home. We made it home by 10:30. We were all so tired that there was no trouble getting anyone to go to bed.
I think we are going to find someone to give Dallen some Rip Stick lessons because you shouldn't be able to run over your own finger on a Rip Stick. Someone Else's yes, but not yours. Leave it to Dallen.
Friday, June 5, 2009
My first SVG

I know I am a Jill of all trades but a master of none. My new hobby has been making SVGs to cut things on my Cricut. I have the program SCAL that alows me to cut things without buying all the expensive cartridges that Cricut tries to sell. With the help of my friend Tylynn we converted a jpeg to this file that can be cut and used on a card or Scrapbook page. Here is a link to the file if you have SCAL.
Sorry, I can't figure out how to post a link to the file sharing so until then If you want it email me. (I guess that is what I will have to master next)
New Chapter in the Shumway home.
I thought this day would never come. I have been hoping for it. I have been planning for it. Last night no one wet the bed. This is huge. In April I had 3 kids in diapers at night. I knew one of them was just being lazy but I was not sure the other 2 were ready. I figured that I would let the older 2 just wet the bed and hopefully they would figure it out. They did. It took a little longer for Dallen. HE would wet the bed get up change his jammies and get in bed with Derek. It has been over a week sense Dallen wet the bed last.
Last Night Derek noticed that Dallen doesn't wear a diaper anymore and said he did not need one anymore. I figured at the worst I would have to get up and change his bed but he got up this morning and was dry. He was also very happy that he had done it. I have bought diapers for 15 of the last 17 years. I can't wait to see where I can spend that money now.
Last Night Derek noticed that Dallen doesn't wear a diaper anymore and said he did not need one anymore. I figured at the worst I would have to get up and change his bed but he got up this morning and was dry. He was also very happy that he had done it. I have bought diapers for 15 of the last 17 years. I can't wait to see where I can spend that money now.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Mountain Ridge Jr high art show.

Courtney took first place at Mountain Ridge JR high art show. She won in Photography. She was given $100 gift card to Allen's Camera.
She also gets to be in the Alpine School District JR High art show. Her photo was on display at the SCERA Center for the arts. The exhibition ran March 20-31.
This is the Second time Courtney has entered a photo in a contest and won. In sixth grade she made to to district with a photo of her favorite place. Her Photography teacher has enjoyed teaching her and talked her into using the photo she won with.
When asked about her inspiration she said "I was asleep and woke up at 130 am and realised i had an assignment due the next day. So I went down to the fridge and got an apple. I took it up and Marissa was asleep so i set it on my nightstand. The lighting was bad so I put my lamp by it. She noticed the crumbs but thought they would make a nice contrast to the apple." She calls it inspiration, I call it desperation, but what ever works.
Courtney and Grandma went to Allen"s cameras with her $100 gift card. Courtney picked out a nice 10mp camera and for her birthday Grandma paid the difference so she got a new camera now I can have mine back.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
weekend away
David talked me into a weekend away without the kids. We ended up going up to strawberry bay marina . David's friend Scott and his family and friends go up every year and go Snowmobiling. It sounds like they have been doing it for about 12 years.
We left Saturday and didn't get up there until afternoon. David and I checked into our room then went out and played in the snow for a few hours. When we got back to the lodge we had a few minutes and met the group of people that we were to be playing with. We all headed out to ride until dark then go to dinner at Daniels summit Lodge.
The 12 of us had a nice dinner. We even ran into our neighbor the Mendenhalls. This is the second vacation we have run into them. When we finished dinner we still had to ride back the 20 miles to the lodge that we were staying at.
Saturday morning I was a little scared. I was the slowest and the newest at snowmobiling. WE had 4 more people join us on Saturday. The whole group lined up at the lake and we all took off together in a cloud of black smoke. I guess I wasn't the only one scared 2 of the group turned around and went back afraid they were holding up the group. So now I was the only one holding up the group.
We left Saturday and didn't get up there until afternoon. David and I checked into our room then went out and played in the snow for a few hours. When we got back to the lodge we had a few minutes and met the group of people that we were to be playing with. We all headed out to ride until dark then go to dinner at Daniels summit Lodge.

I played it safe trying not to get stuck or tip over. David and Scott kept a close eye on me making sure I was doing everything right. The whole group was very kind to me I think secretly they were all glad I was there so I could make their skills look good.
I noticed a pattern they would ride to a spot and the girls would play for a few minutes then the boys would play until they got tired. Then we would rest talk about where we were going next and then move to the next spot. I wasn't afraid anymore.
I did dump my sled over and get caught under i t once. I looked for David and Scott but before I could worry someone pulled it upright and I was off and ready to go.
Scott had some bad luck and broke 2 sleds. His own on Friday so he rented one on Saturday and it broke. We helped him tow back the sled on Saturday. David was towing him and the sled flipped on it's side. It knocked Scott off but David did not notice. I wish I had a picture of that. I stopped and picked up Scott and caught up with David. Then someone stopped and told us a better way to tow the sled so no one had to be on it. The bad part about it is my fun ended and I had to ride on the back of Davids sled.
It was a fun weekend. I want to go back and try out some new things. I want to get more comfortable with turning and knowing were I am. We were all over the place those two days. I think I would do it again. I came home very tired but not to sore.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Missing pet.

Friday Morning David and I were getting ready to leave for the weekend. I made the mistake of checking on the boys Hermit crab. I asked Dallen were he was. Dallen couldn't remember where he had played with it last. It was 9am and time for us to leave.
Normally I would not have worried but Dallen is suffering from anxiety and it is over the deaths in our ward. I was not sure how he would handle it if his pet died. We looked for over two hours. We might have been able to find it if we knew where he left it but we had the whole house to search.
Grandma told us to go and she would have the girls look for it while we were gone. We left and spent two full days playing in the snow. When we got back they still had not found it.(I don't think they even looked)
Sunday after Church we started looking again. We stared cleaning the toy room thinking it might be the place where Dallen played with it last. We cleaned out the couches and the train table, the Lego's. Then I started with our large Castle mega blocks and there he was.
He was happy to get back home and eat and drink. He seems to be just fine. Dallen has promised not to take him out and play with him again.
David says this is why we can't get a dog. I think a dog would be good atleast it comes when you call it.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
David Lay
Today is a very sad day in our home. Ralcheal Lay (Nicole's best friend) called this morning to tell us her dad was killed in an accident last night. Racheals mom died when Racheal as a toddler and she was very close to her dad.
David Moved to Texas at the end of the summer to work. It was not uncommon for him to call Racheal several times a day to tease her or check in on her. Racheal was living with her older sister here in Highland at the time of her dad's Death. Racheal is the youngest of 4 girls the only one still a minor. The Day before Davids death he found out that his second Daughter was expecting Twins.
Nicole is having a very hard time with Davids death. She went to a church basketball game this morning and couldn't stop crying. After the game she told the young women what had happened to Racheals dad. Nicole has spent the rest of the day saying she feels sick and crying in her room. She was unable to eat her favorite sandwich from Kneaders for lunch because she was so upset. It is hard to see her so upset and I can only imagine the pain that Racheal is feeling.
Here is a report about what happended to David Lay.
The body of a crane operator who was crushed to death after six stories of an old paper mill collapsed on top of him in east Harris County was removed from the debris early Saturday, authorities said.
The investigation into what caused the fatal collapse at the old Champion Paper Mill on Friday night is ongoing, authorities said.
Several emergency crews responded to the collapse in the 18500 block of Beaumont Highway after a call was reported about 7:45 p.m.
The identity of the 58-year-old man is pending notification of family members by the Harris County Medical Examiner’s Office.
Nine other men were at the site at the time of the accident, and the crew was about to finish working for the evening, said Southlake EMS Medical Director Joe Fress.
They were not injured.
Authorities believe the victim died instantly in the cab of the crane.
“It’s by far one of the worst I’ve seen,” Fress said of the incident.
The crew has been working to demolish the building for several months. The former mill is being demolished to make way for a residential area, Fress said
David Thompson with Caltex Holdings, the company that owns the facility, declined to reveal the name of the demolition company hired to knock down the mill or comment further on the incident.
“We’re not releasing anything today. We’re talking to OHSA to see what avenues we should we should take,” Thompson said Saturday afternoon.
David Moved to Texas at the end of the summer to work. It was not uncommon for him to call Racheal several times a day to tease her or check in on her. Racheal was living with her older sister here in Highland at the time of her dad's Death. Racheal is the youngest of 4 girls the only one still a minor. The Day before Davids death he found out that his second Daughter was expecting Twins.
Nicole is having a very hard time with Davids death. She went to a church basketball game this morning and couldn't stop crying. After the game she told the young women what had happened to Racheals dad. Nicole has spent the rest of the day saying she feels sick and crying in her room. She was unable to eat her favorite sandwich from Kneaders for lunch because she was so upset. It is hard to see her so upset and I can only imagine the pain that Racheal is feeling.
Here is a report about what happended to David Lay.
The body of a crane operator who was crushed to death after six stories of an old paper mill collapsed on top of him in east Harris County was removed from the debris early Saturday, authorities said.
The investigation into what caused the fatal collapse at the old Champion Paper Mill on Friday night is ongoing, authorities said.
Several emergency crews responded to the collapse in the 18500 block of Beaumont Highway after a call was reported about 7:45 p.m.
The identity of the 58-year-old man is pending notification of family members by the Harris County Medical Examiner’s Office.
Nine other men were at the site at the time of the accident, and the crew was about to finish working for the evening, said Southlake EMS Medical Director Joe Fress.
They were not injured.
Authorities believe the victim died instantly in the cab of the crane.
“It’s by far one of the worst I’ve seen,” Fress said of the incident.
The crew has been working to demolish the building for several months. The former mill is being demolished to make way for a residential area, Fress said
David Thompson with Caltex Holdings, the company that owns the facility, declined to reveal the name of the demolition company hired to knock down the mill or comment further on the incident.
“We’re not releasing anything today. We’re talking to OHSA to see what avenues we should we should take,” Thompson said Saturday afternoon.
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