Those were Marissa's last words Two weeks ago before she broke her leg. You would have thought she might have learned a lesson. It has been a long 2 weeks. With 3 doctor visits and 3 days out of school. Marissa has to work hard to get around. It took her a week before she would use her crutches. She scooted around on the floor and wore a hole in her cast in less than a week. We had to go back so the doctor could patch the hole. I guess she is feeling better if she is jumping on the tramp again. You can't tell from the photo but her pink cast goes half way up her thigh.
Everyday Derek and I walk Marissa to school. I pull her and Derek in the wagon with her crutches and stroller. I leave her, the crutches and the stroller. After school Dallen gets Marissa in the stroller and pushes her home. When she gets home she is so tired. She even goes to bed at 830 no complaints. She use to stay up until 10 it is almost nice.
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