Grandpa Dale had a decision to make. He could quietly turn 80 or he could party it up. Well anyone who knows him knew the decision was an easy one. Grandpa loves a good party. We celebrated with a few hundred of his favorite people. We were all put in charge of something for the party. Many of us preformed in a program were as Grandpa said " This is an occasion were it is ok for me to show off my posterity.

The Birthday boy at 80 years Young

My Assignment was the centerpieces. I made paper flowers with candy sticks for stems.
My Favorite Photo of the night (there were 228 photos taken) Brecklyn and Derek.

My Second favorite Dancer of the night. Grandpa is on the left the guy on the right was using this walker. During the program this man whos name I do not know was dancing behind his walker. It was very cute and brought a smile to my face. It was a fun evening I look forward to his 90th.