October has been a long medical month for us. It started conference Sat. with a trip to the instacare. We have had 2 instacare visits 2 er visits 6 trips to the hospital, 5 Doctor visits and Marissa was scheduled for some tests tomorrow but I changed it because Derek has H1N1.
It all started Saturday during conference Marissa was screaming when she went to the bathroom so I took her to the instacare(visit 1). She had a UTI they gave us a prescription and sent us on our way.
Conference Sunday we were getting ready for the Shumway dinner at our house. The kids were playing Hide and seek between sessions of conference and Derek fell. He was hiding in the tub and slipped and hit his face on the toilet cutting his lip. I took him to the instacare(visit 2) but they sent me to the ER(visit 1) because they thought the wound was more than they could handle. The Doctors at the ER were great. They gave me three different options on how to stitch Dereks lip. With kids that young they like to knock them out because they fuss to much. Derek was rather calm and he had 6 different people clean and look at his lip by the time they got around to stitching it. We opted to not knock him out. He did great. Even the Dr sang his praises. We got home just a few minutes before our guests arrived for dinner. We went back to the Er(visit 2) a week later and got the stitches out.
Marissa still was not feeling better a week later so I took her to our DR(visit1). He pulled up our visit to the instacare and they had sent her urine out for a culture. Marissa had a UTI that could only be treated with IV antibiotics. 6 Trips to the Hospital later she was feeling beter.
The next week I was feeling sick and had a pain in my side and back. I went to the Dr.(visit 2) I had a kidney infection. Later that week I was still not feeling well and it was time for Marissa to have a follow up appointment (visits 3-4) I got a Shot and Marissa got scheduled for some kidney tests to see if her infection is because of a kidney issue. Her appointment scheaduled for Oct. 28 at primary Childrens hospital.
Yesterday Derek was sick and we took him to the Dr. (visit5) He tested positive for influenza and his culture is being sent out to see if it is H1N1. The Dr said they have all come back as H1N1 so he most likely has it. He is doing good we just need to make sure he doesn't get dehydrated. He has a high fever in the afternoon and evenings. Mornings are the best for him.
We changed Marissa's Tests to November 6 because I can't leave Derek with anyone. I hope that is the end of our medical problems. They are looking at Marissa's kidneys to see if there are any defects. they are also looking to see if she has reflex into her kidneys. They reflex can be dangerous if not diagnosed but if we know it is easy to watch. So wish us Luck.