Monday night Dallen was petting a cat and a dog started to attack the cat. Dallen got bitten by the cat. For you information cats have sharp teeth and their mouths are full of bacteria. 80% of all cat bites get infected. You need to clean the wound well then be put on antibiotics.
At 8 pm the cat bite Dallen. By 8:30 David had done an Internet search to find that 3 out of 4 websites said you need to get on Antibiotics within 8 hours. I started to take Dallen to the Highland insta care but of course it closed at 8. I remembered that Alpine pediatrics had after hours so David called to tell them we were coming. I made the mistake of Driving by the temple and going over the speed limit. The police officer was not influenced by my crying son and took his time writing the ticket.
The good news was that Alpine peds was not busy and got us right in. The Dr. was very nice and took good care of Dallen. She even got us to the one pharmacy that was open past 9pm.
We started today with Dallens Birthday party. The party started at 9:30 am we went to a kids movie at the cinamark. It is nice to have it over by noon and still have the whole day ahead of us.
Dallen still has cub camp on Thursday. They are shooting bb guns and bow and arrows, so there is still a chance that we could end up in the insta care again.